As the change of spring occurs in the coming months, there is often a tone of reflection in my own life, looking back to make myself better as I move towards the newest chapter of my life as the year progresses. One of the biggest changes lately has been taking over the responsibilities of being one of the Co-Editor-In-Chiefs of The Hoofprint. This will be my first paper as Co-Editor-In-Chief, along with Will, and the transition has been great because of the immense support of both Reid and Maryanne who have helped guide us along the way during the first few weeks of our new positions. One of our first responsibilities has been to interview our newest applicants for next year and after talking to everyone it is easy to see that the future for our staff is bright! However, as we chart the path of the future I like to look back at my own experience to guide me.
When I first picked up a copy of The Hoofprint, I never envisioned the idea of being on staff, let alone becoming the Co-Editor in Chief. Yet, the paper has shaped my high school experience in many different ways. I was inspired to work as a sports broadcaster for the school after reading Maryanne’s article highlighting the work of her brother Brendan and Hoofprint alum Harry Crowther and the need for a new broadcaster. For a freshman in high school, it was a new experience that built off of my passion for sports and was one that forced me to grow as an individual. The journey from reading that article to the most recent game has shaped me significantly, teaching me how to be ambitious, communicate and navigate new challenges that were unfamiliar to me. The opportunity that I found because of The Hoofprint inspired me to apply to the staff, wanting to give back to someone else in my situation and help them become inspired about the special MP community that surrounds them.
The journey that article led me on has been another source of growth as I became part of the staff and worked to contribute to my community through my writing. Furthermore, it has taught me how to take risks and work collaboratively with others and understand that everything isn’t going to go your way. The biggest impact, however, has been how The Hoofprint has reshaped the value of community in my life and made me evaluate the impact of community on our lives. Through writing for The Hoofprint I have witnessed the multitude of communities within the larger Myers Park community and the impact that they have had on students and teachers. On a personal level, these communities are at the forefront of our goals as journalists at Myers Park and highlight the importance of telling the stories of these communities so that our readers can be better informed and engaged with our school.
Moving forward, I look back to these experiences as a valuable lesson of our focus, to provide news that is compelling, accurate, and important for people to know. Journalism is the basis of any community, and The Hoofprint is no exception. Our mission is to be the source that helps students become engaged with their community by providing them with the knowledge and information they need. As the next chapter of our paper begins, it is important to build off of the work of those who came before us and continue the tradition of coverage centered around community as we look to evolve our paper overtime.