Survivor, a reality TV show where contestants are stranded on an island. They compete in challenges and vote people off, all with hopes to be the last survivor and take home a million dollars. The show is coming back with another season; Season 43 will include new challenges, twists, advantages, and a crazy cast. The first episode will be premiering Wednesday, September 21 at 8 p.m on CBS.
This season will be a twenty-six day challenge with everyone’s favorite advantages. The big tribal council stirrer, “Shot in the Dark”, will be featured in this season. This advantage gives desperate players one last chance of immunity. Every player has one chance to trade in their vote for a one in six draw for safety, and if they draw safely, all votes cast against them will not be counted. Another advantage that will be seen is the “Risk vs Reward” dilemmas. This leaves viewers on the edge of their seat as players take big risks for big rewards.
However, certain challenges from Seasons 41 and 42 will not be returning in this next season. The controversial “Hourglass” advantage that allowed for players to reverse the results of an immunity challenge will not be back in Season 43. Along with that, the “Do or Die” twist, where the loser of the challenge plays a game of chance that could eliminate them on the spot will not be featured.
This upcoming season has eighteen diverse cast members that are split into three tribes: Vesi, Coco, and Baka. It will be interesting to see how the vast group of players from different backgrounds and upbringings will work with, and against each other in their game of Survivor.
Jess Lopez, Noelle Lambert, and Nneka Ejereare are all members of the Vesi tribe that have persevered greatly to get to where they are today and be on Survivor. In Lopez’s interview he said, he went from being a gang member in juvenile hall to turning his life around, and studying voting behavior got him his Ph.D in Political Science; this will come in handy in the upcoming season. Lambert also stated in her interview, she lost her leg in an accident six years ago but she didn’t let it stop her! She’s a Paralympian, competed in the Tokyo Games, and is ready to take on the challenge of Survivor.
Next, both Geo Bustamante and Ryan Medrano are on the Coco tribe. Both love Survivor and would do whatever it takes to get on their favorite show. According to the Survivor website, Bustamante had to quit his job in order to be on the show this season, so the stakes are high, and he’s aiming for the reward money. Medrano says in his interview that he was born with mild Cerebral Palsy, a group of disorders affecting one’s movement, balance, and posture. He went from not being able to walk to becoming a Personal Trainer and is ready to take on what Survivor 43 has to offer.
Lastly, Elisabeth Scott and Morriah Young are both on the Baka tribe. In Scotts interview she talks about how she is a Clinical Psychologist who believes her connecting skills will help her through this season, as her job involves getting people to do things they may not want to do. Lastly based on the Survivor website, Young grew up watching Survivor and is now on the show to, “check one final thing off the bucket list of her late mother.” She’s ready to take on Survivor and leave the island brighter than she found.
There’s a lot to look forward to in this new Survivor season!